Not Guilty Jury Verdict
Tony received a not guilty jury verdict in Lower Kittitas County District Court for the criminal charge of reckless driving. A client was arrested when an officer alleged he was driving recklessly. The facts showed he was driving between 35 and 50 miles per hour and he used the middle lane to pass a car. The prosecutor refused to negotiate the case given his commercial driver's license, though the client was driving a regular vehicle at the time of the arrest.
The jury ultimately found no reckless conduct, though everyone admitted the driving was "bad" for the most part. This is a great example of why you need an attorney to work on your case - what might seem clear to the prosecutor may not be as clear to a jury. Had the client accepted the plea deal offered by the prosecutor, he would have lost his license.
Every case is different. There is never a guarantee regarding what could or will happen in court on your case. It is important that you hire an attorney to deal with your specific case and the facts surrounding your arrest.
Schedule a free consultation today to speak about your case.
Practice area(s): Criminal Defense